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Til the age of 22 y.o. I had 100% vision. My be because I had poor monitor that scares my eyes away of screen every time I tried to read within 20 minutes. Since I bought my first TFT display I started to use it intensively. Also I started to work as a computer programmer.

Five years later at age 27 I went to get my driver’s license and it turn out that my vision degrade to 20% (I was able to see only first two lines in the table). It was miopia -1.75 D for both eyes.

I’ve got my first eye wear -0.5 D. Doctor said it’s just to get started and within 6 month I should get my second -1.0 D glasses.

Of cause I wasn’t satisfied with it and started finding for a solution.

I started my findings with this idea: short-sight people are usualy young and the problem is hyper-tonus of eye muscules. Far-sight people are 45+ and the problem is weakness of eye muscules. So what if I start to wear glasses with + now to get my eyes relaxed? Is it possible? Is it harmless?

And google did his job. It pointed me out to a patent of Dr. Ermoshin where he describes his glasses. Besides + dioptries it also has prizm component because our eyes not only accomodate, they convergent also- both eyes moves to nouse. There is a theory that accomodation and convergention is done by the same muscules.

So I started to use +0.5D glasses with prism 2.0 which I bought at This glasses gets work to accomodate for my eyes so my eyes getting less tired. Breaks are also important. Since 2012 I switched to +0.75 because my vision was -1.0 and I though I can gain more progress. But probably it is not the case: in my opinion +0.5 my be your first and only glasses. Now (2016) at age 35 my vision is -0.5 D for both eyes.

the difference between regular and prizmatic glasses
Irbis glasses