i8080 emulator
I wrote this emulator as my graduate work for an engeneer degree in Jan-May 2003 using Borland C++ Builder 5.
Why didn’t I start writting it in GTK+ at the begining? At the moment I have no experience with GTK+ / Qt and fear of failure stopped me. Another reason was I didn’t know a good cross-platform help system so Help file is written entirely in RTF for help compiler.
Platform: Windows
I still hope I can rewrite it using Qt, GTK+ or wxWindow user interface library for make it cross platform compatibility.
- i8080emu.zip (1092 Kb) Binary and help files
- i8080emu-src.zip (320 Kb) Source code
- i8080asm-1.1.tgz (24 Kb)
i8080 assembler as separate Unix source package
This project is going to be continued at git@bitbucket.org:asashnov/i8080.git
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/i8086emu This is multi-platform emulator for Intel 8086 microprocessor with GUI debbuger and plugins for hardware emulation
- http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator
- http://crasm.sourceforge.net/crasm.html Cross assembler for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80 Assemble a microprocessor program and produce output file in Intel HEX or Motorola S Code from source for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80 processors. A program listing and a symbol table are also produced on the standard output.